Horst Wünsche Luftresonanz Harfenzither 42 Strings, solist-instrument, Münchner" tuning, fingerboard with stainless steel frets, scale length 435mm, back and top come with rosewood veneer, laminated mirth sides,..."
Harp Zither 40 Strings, Munich tuning, Fingerboard with stainless steel frets, Scale: 435 mm, Top with rosewood veneer, Back with mahogany veneer, Sides veneered with flamed maple, Hand-carved support and pillar,...
Concert Zither 36 Strings, Scale: 415 mm, Munich tuning, Fingerboard with bronze frets, Top with rosewood veneer, Back with mahogany veneer, Sides veneered with flamed maple, Finish: Silk-Matte, Includes bag
Horst Wünsche Concert Zither 32 Strings, Münchner" tuning, fingerboard with bronze frets, scale length 415mm, top comes with rosewood veneer, back comes with mahogany veneer, laminated maple sides, satin varnish,..."
Zither 29 Strings, Munich tuning, Top and back: stained maple, Fingerboard with bronze frets, Scale: 380 mm, String spacing for adults, Includes lined bag with backpack straps
Kanun with 78 strings Top thickness: 3.5 mm, Neck/tuning block made of lime, Back made of hornbeam, Sides made of spruce, Total length: 98 cm, Height: 4.5cm, Width: 45 cm, Weight approx. 3 kg, Goatskin, Stringing: 12 x...