Paiste Line Series 10" Dark Energy Splash Mark I, dark body, full frequency spectrum, brilliant, direct sensitive Attack, strong notice, balanced Sustain, this Splash combines smooth and soft qualities with energy...
Paiste Formula 602 Modern Essentials Series, 10" Splash, regular finish, CuSn20 bronze alloy, quickly response, dark and warm sounding splash for vivid accents at a moderate volume, The completely handcrafted cymbals...
Zildjian 10" K Custom Special Dry Splash, Natural Finish, Paper Thin, dark sound with short sustain, quickk splash sound that opens and shuts right down'
Sabian 10" AAX Aero Splash cymbal, brillant finish, B20 bronce, comes with little holes, extra thin splash cymbal with very short and aggressive sound,'
Sabian 10" HHX Complex Splash, B20 bronze, employs a combination of HH and HHX hammering, raw hammered bell, very quick, dark and complex Splash, versatility to easily cross musical styles'