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Гели и гелевые рамки

Lee Roll 270 LEE Scrim
38760 Р
34884 Р
38760 Р
34884 Р

Lee Roll 270 LEE Scrim

Lee Roll 275 LEE Black Scrim
37474 Р
33727 Р
37474 Р
33727 Р

Lee Roll 275 LEE Black Scrim

Roll Size: 610 x 152 cm, A flexible perforated material that is black on both sides, It is used to reduce light intensity without causing unwanted reflections, Lee No. 275 LEE Black Scrim
Lee Filter Roll 432 L. Grid Cloth
29937 Р
26943 Р
29937 Р
26943 Р

Lee Filter Roll 432 L. Grid Cloth

Lee Roll 460 Quiet Grid Cloth
27505 Р
24754 Р
27505 Р
24754 Р

Lee Roll 460 Quiet Grid Cloth

Lee Roll 462 Quiet L.Grid Cloth
27340 Р
24606 Р
27340 Р
24606 Р

Lee Roll 462 Quiet L.Grid Cloth

Lee Roll 464 Quarter Grid Cloth
27233 Р
24510 Р
27233 Р
24510 Р

Lee Roll 464 Quarter Grid Cloth

Lee Filter Roll 430 Grid Cloth
26557 Р
23901 Р
26557 Р
23901 Р

Lee Filter Roll 430 Grid Cloth

Lee Filter Roll 430 Grid Cloth- Produces a strong diffusion effect- Size: 762 x 137 cm
Lee Filter Roll 269 Heat Shield
26083 Р
23474 Р
26083 Р
23474 Р

Lee Filter Roll 269 Heat Shield

Lee color foil roll 269 Heat Shield, size: 762 x 122 cm- A transparent flexible film used to extend the life of filter. The shield should be placed between the light source and the filter, allowing distance between the...