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Schools For Flute

De Haske Blaserklasse Score 1De Haske Blaserklasse Score 1
12721 Р
12721 Р

De Haske Blaserklasse Score 1

De Haske, Yamaha Blaserklasse, Essential Elements, Score, Vol.1: Score, complete methode for music school and brass orchestra, incl. exercising CD, ISBN 90-431-1241-0
De Haske Horen Lesen Schule Gesamt (Fl)De Haske Horen Lesen Schule Gesamt (Fl)
10077 Р
10077 Р

De Haske Horen Lesen Schule Gesamt (Fl)

De Haske Horen, Lesen & Spielen Gesamtschule for Flute (Fl): School for flute- complete edition for beginners- includes 3 CDs + bonus CD- in German language
Universal Edition Neue Magic Flute 1 +CDUniversal Edition Neue Magic Flute 1 +CD
6206 Р
6206 Р

Universal Edition Neue Magic Flute 1 +CD

Universal Edition, Neue Magic Flute 1 +CD, Die Neue Magic Flute1: by Barbara Gisler-Haase, The successful school for flute as completely revised new edition, For children from the age of eight, Carefully selected...
Universal Edition Neue Magic Flute 2 + CD
6194 Р
6194 Р

Universal Edition Neue Magic Flute 2 + CD

Universal Edition, Neue Magic Flute 2 + CD, Die Neue Magic Flute,Vol.2, The successful flute in school now fully revised edition CD,by Barbara Gisler-Haase, German language
Advance Music Aebersold Jazz Improvisation DAdvance Music Aebersold Jazz Improvisation D
6141 Р
6141 Р

Advance Music Aebersold Jazz Improvisation D

Advance Music Jamey Aebersold Weg Zur Jazz Improvisation 1 D, Ein Neuer Weg Zur Jazz Improvisation Vol.1: German edition, How to play Jazz and improvise, Includes: Articulations, Chromaticism, Ear training, Circle of...
Ricordi Lern Querflote Spielen Volume2Ricordi Lern Querflote Spielen Volume2
6077 Р
6077 Р

Ricordi Lern Querflote Spielen Volume2

Ricordi Lern Flute Spielen Volume 2 - continuation of volume 1 with various playing techniques by E. Weinzierl and E. Waechter. Includes CD.
Schott Querflote Spielen Hobby 2
5448 Р
5448 Р

Schott Querflote Spielen Hobby 2

Schott Querflote Spielen Hobby 2, Flute Spielen Mein Schonstes Hobby, Band 2, By Cathrin Ambach: A modern method for flute written for teenagers and adults, Incl. CD, Step by step basic knowledge,musicianship and...
Voggenreiter Das Querflotenbuch 2
5376 Р
5376 Р

Voggenreiter Das Querflotenbuch 2

Voggenreiter Das Querflotenbuch Vol.2 - flute method by Klaus Dapper. Advanced level, classic to modern styles, includes CD.
Schott Querflote Spielen Mein Hobby 1
5373 Р