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13" стальные малые барабаны

Pearl 13"x03" Snare Drum S1330B
56028 Р
50425 Р
56028 Р
50425 Р

Pearl 13"x03" Snare Drum S1330B

Pearl S1330B soprano series 13" x 3" piccolo snare - steel shell, rims = regular hoop 1.6mm, Colour: Black.
Tama 13"x4" Metalworks Flat BlackTama 13"x4" Metalworks Flat Black
25062 Р
22555 Р
25062 Р
22555 Р

Tama 13"x4" Metalworks Flat Black

Tama 13"x4" Metalworks Steel Snare Drum, BST134BK, shell: 1.2mm steel, finish: flat black, black hardware, 1.6mm triple flanged hoops, carbon steel strainer 16 strings'
Millenium SD-17 Snare Drum Starter KitMillenium SD-17 Snare Drum Starter Kit
27919 Р
27919 Р

Millenium SD-17 Snare Drum Starter Kit

Millenium SD-17 Snare Drum Starter Kit, compact Snare Drum Kit containing the 13"x3,5" chrome piccolo Snare Drum, fully equiped with basket-style concert Stand, Practice Snare Pad, Sticks and a Backpack Gig Bag, the...
Millenium 13"x3,5" Black Beast SnareMillenium 13"x3,5" Black Beast Snare
17245 Р
17245 Р

Millenium 13"x3,5" Black Beast Snare

Millenium 13"x3,5" Black Beast Snare Drum, SD-148B, 1,0mm Steelshell, Shell Black, 1,6mm Black Steelhoop, 10 lugs, Metal Snare Drum for all Music Styles, specially Second or Side Snare
DW 13"x4,5" Stainless Steel SnareDW 13"x4,5" Stainless Steel Snare
96453 Р
96453 Р

DW 13"x4,5" Stainless Steel Snare

Drum Workshop 13"x4,5" Stainless Steel Snare Drum, Collector’s Stainless Steel is rolled from pure stainless, stainless steel True Pitch tension rods and nickel plated steel flanged 3.0 counter hoops, Lugs, throw off...
Gretsch 13"x07" Brooklyn Chrome/Steel
78506 Р
78506 Р

Gretsch 13"x07" Brooklyn Chrome/Steel

Gretsch Snare Drum Brooklyn series, GB4163S, Size: 13"x07", Chrome over Steel Snare Drum, 2 mm rolled steel shell with knurled pattern, chrome finish with chrome hardware, 2.3mm double-flanged hoops, Gretsch...
LP 13"x5,5" Salsa Snare SteelLP 13"x5,5" Salsa Snare Steel
74338 Р
74338 Р

LP 13"x5,5" Salsa Snare Steel

Tama PST137 Starphonic Black Nickel

Tama PST137 Starphonic Black Nickel

Tama PST137 Starphonic Snare Drum, Black Nickel Steel Shell 13" x 7" with 1,0mm Shell Thickness, new Design in Hoops, Tunelugs and Strainer, special Grooved Hoops, Line Drive Strainer, Super Sensitiv Hi-Carbon Snappy...
Купить 13" стальные малые барабаны и заказать другие Стальные малые барабаны по выгодной цене в рассрочку и кредит в нашем музыкальном интернет магазине с доставкой по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу, всей России и СНГ