Sonor GBKM20 Deep Bass Metallophone Expansion, Meisterklasse Series's, tonal range cis-dis-gis-cis1-dis1-gis1, 6 bars, overtone tuning, grey special alloy metal bars 45 x 13 mm, resonator with 6 chambers made of...
Sonor GBMP 1.1 Deep Bass Metallophone, Primary Line Series, c-a1, C-major scale with f#, b/a# and f#1, 16 bars, overtone tuning up to a, fundamental tuning from b/a#, silver special alloy metal bars 35 x 10 mm,...
Studio 49 Serie 1600 BM1600 Металлофон, Вид настройки: Диатоническая · Настройка: Бас · Количество тонов: 13 · Звуковые пластины: Алюминий · Корпус резонатора:
Sonor TAKM10, Tenor-Alto Metallophone, Meisterklasse Series, tonal range c1-c3, C-major scale with f-sharp1, b-flat1, f-sharp2 and b-flat2, 19 bars, overtone tuning up to h1, fundamental tuning from c2, grey special...
Sonor MGB-GB Deep Bass Metallophone, Global Beat Series, c-a1, C-major scale with f-sharp, b-flat and f-sharp1, 16 bars, overtone tuning up to a, fundamental tuning from b-flat, silver special alloy metal bars 35 x...
Studio 49 Serie 2000 AM2000 Металлофон, Вид настройки: Диатоническая · Настройка: Альт · Количество тонов: 16 · Корпус резонатора: Древесина сосны · Аксессуары:
Sonor SKM10, Metallophone of the Meisterklasse Series, c2-a3, C-major scale with f-sharp2, b-flat2 and f-sharp3, 16 bars, grey special alloy metal bars 38 x 10 mm, resonator with 4 chambers made of pinewood,...
Goldon Metalophone Bass, Model 10120, Bass Metalophone, 13+3 notes c-a1, with fis, bb + fis1, including linen bag for half tones, with 2 bass beater, All Metalophones have a frame from beechwood, sound box made of 10...