GC Carstensen, Mischen Wie Die Profis, By Bobby Owinski: The Mixing Engineers Handbook, 2.edition, Contents: Einleitung, Teil 1- Mischen in Stereo: Background-Informationen, 1,Ausgewogenheit (Die Balance der...
GC Carstensen, Verlag, The effects of practice book,by Frank Pieper, Optimal use of effects,effects processors and plug-ins,fundamentals of analog and digital signal technology,applications in the studio and on...
mitp Verlag Live mischen, by Eike Hillenkötter, 2nd edition 2018, Practical knowledge for sound engineers and musicians, basics for mixing live performances, 555 questions for self-analysis, interviews with musicians of...
mitp Verlag Mixing Secrets Perfektes Mischen im Homestudio. Perfect mixing in Home Studio. Small Studio, small budget and professionally produced songs started Mike Senior betrays how the techniques of successful...
GC Carstensen Verlag Das PA Handbuch, Das PA Handbuch, an introduction to professional PA systems, CD included, 432 pages, written by Frank Pieper, 4.updated edition ! German language
PPV Medien Mechanik in der Veranstaltungstechnik ? Grundlagen, Rechenanleitungen, Anwendungsbeispiele: 6th edition, by Michael L?ck, standard work for training as a specialist in event technology, ISBN 9783941531307,...
mitp Verlag Live mischen. Practical knowledge for sound engineers and musicians, from Eike Hillenkotter. The best preparation for live sound engineers. Basics for mixing live performances. German language. ISBN: ...