Paiste 36" Symphonic Gong - slightly raised surface with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instruments complex overtones. A good starting point for a gong...
Paiste 22" Symphonic Gong brilliant - slightly raised surface with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instruments complex overtones. A good starting point...
Paiste 20" Symphonic Gong brilliant, Paiste Symphonic Gongs have a slightly raised surface with a harmonic and universal sound structure. The fundamental note of the gong is balanced with the instrument's complex...
Paiste 22" Accent Gong, Accent Gongs are special gongs with an aggressive, foaming, and lively sound character. A multitude of sounds may be achieved with various playing techniques.
Paiste 13" Accent Gong, Accent Gongs are special gongs with an aggressive, foaming, and lively sound character. A multitude of sounds may be achieved with various playing techniques
Peter Hess TCZ 90, ZEN Cymbals, big, A special development originated from many years of experience with sound massage, Area of use: Third Eye, crown chakra. Especially clear and long sound. O 9 cm, Mallet...