Best Brass e-Brass IV Trumpet Practice Mute - digital echo function variable, stereo mini-jack input jack allows an external sound source to be combined with the signal from the mute. Mini-jack line/phones output...
Mute for Trumpet Adjustable cup, Provides everything from a cup - soft and warm, to the open, bright and crisp sound of a straight mute, rich in overtones and perfect intonation, This mute can be used as a plunger...
Best Brass Trumpet Cool Jazz Mute Brass, some people might be familiar with these mutes above, but the new point is that they do NOT come with a stem. This is actually challenging because nobody has done it, but I...
Soulo Mute Harmon-Style mute for trumpet, SM8525, patented crimp-free connection, which allows for a perfect pitch, nitrile enhanced cork prevents the mute from falling ou, free-blowing, no air disturbance, aerodynamic...
Warburton TR-3C Woody Cup mute for Bb- trumpet, made of hickory wood, a very exciting sound with minimum effort. It sings out without having to "push" it