Berklee Press Contemporary Cello Etudes: etudes on cello techniques of the 21st century, compiled and edited by Mike Block, ISBN 9780876391877, HL00159292, A4, 122 pages, audio material, in English language
C.F. Peters Cello Spielen Band 2, By Julia Hecht: An introduction to Cello for curious adults, Volume 2, Thematic priority: Solo pieces, Duets, Ear training, Partly with accompaniments for a second Cello or Piano, ...
Schott Celloschule Vol.3, By Gabriel Koeppen: Cello spielen mit Spa und Fantasie, A method for violoncello, For teenagers and adults, Contents: Ausbau des Spiels in der 2.-4.Lage, Lagenwechsel, Flageolett, Vibrato...
Schott Celloschule Vol.2: By Gabriel Koeppen: Cello spielen mit Spa und Fantasie, A method for violoncello, For teenagers and adults, Playing in half and 4th position, Semiquavers,dotted quavers,triplets and easy...
Schott, Cello Mit Spa Und Hugo 1, By Renate and Gerhard Mantel: New approach to learning the Violoncello, Students's book, Volume 1, For private and class lessons for children at the age of 5-10 years, 87 pages,...
Advance Music Precision Timing For All Instruments, By Mike Nielsen: The ultimate rhythm workout, More than 80 exercises on rhythm and metre, Songs with chords, In standardnotation, Part of the series "The Jazz Handbook...'