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Larsen Il Cannone Gold Violin Strings
65593 Р
59034 Р
65593 Р
59034 Р

Larsen Il Cannone Gold Violin Strings

Larsen Il Cannone Gold Violin Strings, complete set of 4 strings, E-string carbon-steel with detachable ball, A-string multifilament-fibre nylon core wound with aluminium flat-wire, D & G-string multifilament-fibre...
Savarez Tenor Viol Strings
35009 Р
31508 Р
35009 Р
31508 Р

Savarez Tenor Viol Strings

Savarez Tenor Viol Strings, set with 68cm scale length, D1 gut, A2 gut, E3 gut, C4 gut, G5 silver-plated wound, D6 silver-plated wound, A7 silver-plated wound.
Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL mediumPirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium
31170 Р
28053 Р
31170 Р
28053 Р

Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium

Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium , complete set, long, gut core with metal-wrapping, E-string: gold plated steel with ballend, set 211022.
Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium BTLPirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium BTL
31169 Р
28052 Р
31169 Р
28052 Р

Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium BTL

Pirastro Oliv Violin 4/4 KGL medium BTL, complete set, gut metalwound, G & D loop, A & E ballend, E-string: gold palted steel, set 211021.
Pirastro Evah Pirazzi G-Gold BE / LPirastro Evah Pirazzi G-Gold BE / L
26698 Р
24028 Р
26698 Р
24028 Р

Pirastro Evah Pirazzi G-Gold BE / L

Violin 4/4 String Set Tension: medium, With a gold roundwound G-string, E ball, Long laid, Pirastro no. 415022
Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 KGLPirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 KGL
25836 Р
23253 Р
25836 Р
23253 Р

Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 KGL

Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 mit E-ballend, complete set of 4 strings, medium tension, wound-on gut strings, strong and bright sound, light response, better tuning stability in comparison to normal gut strings.
Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 SLGPirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 SLG
25832 Р
23249 Р
25832 Р
23249 Р

Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 SLG

Pirastro Passione Solo Violin 4/4 mit E-loopend, complete set of 4 strings, medium tension, wound-on gut strings, strong and bright sound, light response, better tuning stability in comparison to normal gut strings.