B.Air Bird Strap neck strap for saxophone, size: L, padded neck pad made of leather, extra wide V-shaped adjustment plate made of aluminium to keep the neck comfortable and for stabilizing your performance position,...
Hooki saxophone strap, size H3 (L), for all side played instruments: tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, bassoon, does not pull on your neck, directs forces around your neck, does not constrict your neck, allows a...
B.Air Bird Strap neck strap for saxophone, size: M, padded neck pad made of leather, V-shaped adjustment plate (140 mm) made of aluminium to keep the neck comfortable and for stabilizing your performance position,...
B.Air Bird Strap neck strap for saxophone, size: L, padded neck pad made of leather, V-shaped adjustment plate (140 mm) made of aluminium to keep the neck comfortable and for stabilizing your performance position,...