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Компрессоры, гейты и деэссеры

Tube-Tech LCA2BTube-Tech LCA2B
792030 Р
768269 Р
792030 Р
768269 Р

Tube-Tech LCA2B

Компрессор/лимитер TUBETECH LCA 2B
Manley Variable MU Compressor/LimiterManley Variable MU Compressor/Limiter
746587 Р
724189 Р
746587 Р
724189 Р

Manley Variable MU Compressor/Limiter

Manley Variable MU Stereo Compressor/Limiter - all valve, transformer balanced I/O, high end compressor/limiter, unbelievably versatile audiophile quality unit.
Empirical Labs EL8X-S DistressorEmpirical Labs EL8X-S Distressor
654793 Р
641697 Р
654793 Р
641697 Р

Empirical Labs EL8X-S Distressor

Empirical Labs EL8X-S Distressor - stereo pair with British mode and Image Link. Contains 2 separate mono channel distressors, which may be linked. Classic knee compressor, tube saturation, opto simulation, XLR...
Dangerous Music CompressorDangerous Music Compressor
634998 Р
615948 Р
634998 Р
615948 Р

Dangerous Music Compressor

Dangerous Music Compressor, Immaculate VCA: Virtually no distortion, even with 20dB of gain reduction, True Stereo Dual Detector: Traditional linking shares one detector, often resulting in a narrower stereo image,...
Chandler Limited RS124 CompressorChandler Limited RS124 Compressor
582336 Р
564866 Р
582336 Р
564866 Р

Chandler Limited RS124 Compressor

Chandler RS124, 1-Channel Tube Compressor, Switch for Input Control, Output Attenuator, Attack and Recovery, VU-Meter, Output Impedance: 200/600 ohms (switchable), Tube (6BC8,6CG7, 6AL5), Stereo linkable via 1/4"...'
Manley NuMUManley NuMU
528301 Р
512452 Р

Manley NuMU
512452 Р

528301 Р
512452 Р

Manley NuMU

Manley NuMU, two channel Compressor/Limiter, VariMu tube input preamp, careful dynamic processing by HIP function keeps the structure of transients, two transformer inputs XLR, two electr. balanced outputs XLR,...
Empirical Labs Fatso - EL7XEmpirical Labs Fatso - EL7X
485329 Р
470769 Р
485329 Р
470769 Р

Empirical Labs Fatso - EL7X

Empirical Labs Fatso - EL7X, 2-channel full analogue tape simulator and optimizer with classic knee compression, Harmonic Generation and Soft Clipper (Distortion Generation) - class A circuit gently rounds the peaks...