Zildjian K Constantinople Series - 22” medium ride cymbal with regular finish, emphasized and defined fundamental stick sound with a little more articulation, dry sound with very pleasing overtones and wash.
Zildjian 22" K Constantinople Thin Ride Overhammered, K1101, Traditional Finish, This new 22" K Constantinople is thin in weight to give it a nice dark pitch and plenty of wash. An additional series of over hammered...
Zildjian 22" K Constantinople Series, Renaissance Ride, a versatile instrument that works well in small to medium size musical settings, features smoother lathing on both sides and a bell that is unlathed underneath,...
Zildjian K Constantinople Series 22" Ride Cymbal - medium/thin high ride cymbal. K1121, Plenty of give, texture and 'crashability'. Combination of top articulation and bottom spread provides excellent stick ...
Zildjian K Constantinople Series 22" Ride Cymbal - medium/thin low ride cymbal. K1119, Plenty of give, texture and 'crashability'. Combination of top articulation and bottom spread provides excellent stick ...
Paiste Formula 602 Modern Essentials Series, 22" Ride, regular finish, CuSn20 bronze alloy, bright and warm sound, The completely handcrafted cymbals Formula 602 Modern Essentials series were developed in...