Sonor CXPO Concert Palisono Xylophone, f - f-sharp, chromatic scale, bass-soprano, overtone tuning up to h, fundamental tuning from c1, Palisono bars, 38 x 15 mm, the arched arrangement of the bars harmonizes the...
Sonor TAKX300 Tenor-Alto Xylophone, combination of xylophones TAKX 100 and TAKX 200, tonal range c1 to c-sharp3, chromatic scale, 26 bars, overtone tuning up to c-sharp2, fundamental tuning from d2, palisono bars 38...
Studio 49 Serie 1600 BX1600 Ксилофон, Вид настройки: Диатоническая · Настройка: Бас · Количество тонов: 16 · Корпус резонатора: Древесина сосны · Аксессуары:
Sonor CXPO 38 Palisono Set of bars for CXPO Xylophone, 38 bass-soprano bars, f-fis3, chromatic scale, 1 pair SXY G 1, Articel are only the Bar Chimes, Frame not included
Sonor GBXP 1,1 Ксилофон, Вид настройки: Диатоническая · Настройка: Большой бас · Количество тонов: 16 · Резонаторные камеры: 6 · Корпус резонатора: Древесина
Sonor GBXP 2.1, Deep Bass Xylophone, tonal range c#, d#, g#, c#1, d-#1, g#1, b/a#1, chromatic extension for GBXP 1.1, 7 bars, overtone tuning up to a, fundamental tuning from b/a#, pao rosa bars 35 x 18 mm, resonator...
Sonor Global Beat Series GBX CB F Deep Bass Xylophone - C major scale with F-sharp, B-flat and F-sharp 1, tonal range: C-A1, 16 fibreglass bars (35 x 18mm), overtone tuning up to A, fundamental tuning from B-flat,...